Radiology at Altona Children's Hospital
Client | AKK Altonaer Kinderkrankenhaus gGmbH |
Project location | Bleickenallee 38, Hamburg, D |
Key figures | GFA 370 m² |
Service | Research, advice on large medical equipment, property planning building LPH 1 - 8 |
Period | 2005 |

For the first time in a children's hospital, an open magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scanner was installed. For this purpose, a room with daylight suitable for the device was created to help avoid additional feelings of anxiety for children in the room. The opening of the MRI scanner is so large that parents can lie down with their children. This reduces the stress on the children, and sedatives are used less or not at all. This particular MRI scanner was selected by us at the request of and after research with the radiologist at Altona Children’s Hospital (AKK).
An MRI room with daylight is unusual because a window complicates the function of the necessary RF cage. The solution benefits the young patients – so all the effort put into the implemented solution was worth it.